Android and Arduino Serial Bluetooth App – BlueSerial

I’ve finally been able to figure out the entire Bluetooth API of Android and I felt it was more difficult than writing Arduino code in Assembly. In it’s current avatar, I think it’s ready for a Beta release. Based on the feedback I receive, I’ll make a few changes and release the code and put it on the Android Play Store (for which I still need to register a developer account).

A quick how-to about the app – The app can be used to communicate with serial (RX-TX/UART) bluetooth devices. This largely includes devices that are used to control microcontrollers and other electronic projects which use bluetooth to send and receive information. I developed this app to use with a bluetooth enabled robot that I had been dying to build for quite some time now. I think it’s pretty self-explanatory and if it’s not, then I need to work a bit more on it. Continue reading