C25K – D2W1

I’ve decided to create a new post for each day I jog. 2 days ago, I once again started on the C25K program. Today was Day2 of Week1. Nothing much to note. I figured this would be one way to keep my motivation up for the entire 8 weeks and more.

c25k (Couch to 5 Kilometers)

Thinking about running, exercising, doing some physical activity but don’t really want to? We’ve all been there, me more than most people. If, like me, you feel lethargic and lazy all the time, here’s some inspiration:

I first saw it over here.

The c25k is a program that was originally devised by the nice people at Cool Running. It’s a program that’s devised to get people who’ve been slacking without any exercise to running upto 5km at a stretch in about 9 weeks (~3 months). I tried this program once and gave up since it was very boring. But I recently found this thread on the Cool Running Newbie forums where a bunch of people decided to start the program together. This sounds like a really good idea since people will be able to provide inspiration to each other and also keep up the pace. I’m sure there are a lot of such threads where people keep each other motivated to ‘Just do it’!

I didn’t realise that c25k is such a well known accronym. A google for c25k shows a whole lot of sites for this. You have podcasts, resources, communities and even an app for the iPhone/iPod touch which helps you complete the course.

I hope I’ll be able to keep up with this program. Given the long weekend that’s coming up, and the trip that I’m making, I’ll need to try a little harder to keep up with everyone else on this program.